Anagrams are popular types of cryptic crossword clue.
With an anagram you rearrange the letters of one or more words to find another.
But how can you tell that the clue you are looking at is an anagram type clue? And how do you solve it?
Here is a typical anagram-type clue:
Get cast adrift in boat (6)
These clues generally consist of three parts:
You can rearrange the letters of in boat to give you Obtain, which is a synonym of Get.
There are a few "rules" when it comes to anagrams. For example: You always use all the letters in a word when you anagram, and all the letters to anagram are usually (but not always) adjacent to each other. So counting letters in adjacent words to see if they total the required number of letters in the answer can often give you an indication that you are dealing with an anagram-type clue.
There are hundreds of anagram indicators. Other examples are words like "explode", "ruin" or "crazy". So you can't memorise them all! You just need to get a "feel" for the sorts of words that signal "this is an anagram clue".
Now try this clue:
If you are stumped, give it to the machine!