We solve all your anagrams! Updated daily with new topical words. Try it now!
An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once (Wikipedia).
Are you an accomplished anagrammatist? We are not! The examples above are topical, but not very clever!
We are using our list of recently added solutions and jumbling up the letters to generate daily fresh examples.
That list is updated daily. We look for popular articles in Wikipedia (based on users' page views) and add the new ones to our database every night.
These are better though: Who gives Random advice? And who is this guy who claims: I'm a jerk but listen?
And who is a flirty swot?
Try our anagram solver with your own clues!
While you're here, why not have a go at the cryptic crossword clue solver as well!
Try this handy tool that helps you build some fancy anagrams to impress your friends!